"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it is the only thing that ever has."

— Margaret Mead

DAA’s Annual Membership drive starts on September 1st each year - although, you are invited to become a member at any time. Our Annual Membership Party is on the second Tuesday in the month of September. This event is aimed to renew memberships and kick-off a new year of community programming.

Our membership party is open to non-members who are looking to get involved with our organization through various opportunities including volunteering, artist-in-residence, sponsorships, memberships, or board participation.

This is a great time to learn more about DAA’s mission and our arts community here in the Delta. We welcome everyone.

Sponsor a student for after-school art programs.

Membership Levels

Direct payment links are listed under each level of membership.

If you have any questions, please email our office.

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker

    Members have early access to class & workshop registration

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Screen at Friend Level

    Renew/Join Here

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker and DAA coffee mug

    Members have early access to class & workshop registration

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Screen at Patron Level

    Renew/Join Here

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker and DAA coffee mug

    Members have early access to class & workshop registration

    10% contribution towards the DAA Artist-in-Residence program which supports providing art services to youth across the Mississippi Delta.

    10% off any Ellis Theater venue rentals or towards a child's sponsorship for DAA after-school art programs.

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Screen at Director Level

    Renew/Join Here

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker, DAA coffee mug, and a DAA t-shirt

    Members have early access to class & workshop registration

    One free Ellis Marquee message ($100 value)

    10% off one class per semester and two workshops per year

    10% contribution towards the DAA Artist-in-Residence program which supports providing art services to youth across the Mississippi Delta.

    10% contribution towards student sponsorships for DAA after school art-based programming.

    10% off any Ellis Theater venue rentals or towards a child's sponsorship for DAA after-school art programs.

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Plaque Screen at Producer Level

    Renew/Join Here

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker, DAA coffee mug, and a DAA t-shirt

    Members have early access to class & workshop registration

    Members receive one name/family brick in the DAA garden walk-way ($100 value)

    One complementary Ellis Marquee message ($100 value)

    One complementary workshop (up to $75 value)

    15% off one class per semester

    10% contribution towards the DAA Artist-in-Residence program which supports providing art services to youth across the Mississippi Delta.

    10% contribution towards student sponsorships for DAA after school art-based programming.

    10% off any Ellis Theater venue rental or additional support towards a child's sponsorship for DAA after-school art programs.

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Screen at Artist Level

    Renew/Join Here

  • Members receive a DAA vinyl logo sticker, DAA coffee mug and DAA t-shirt

    Members receive one name/family brick in the DAA garden walk-way ($100 value)

    One complementary Ellis Marquee message ($100 value)

    Two complementary workshops (each up to $75 value)

    20% discount on one class per semester

    10% contribution towards the DAA Artist-in-Residence program which supports providing art services to youth across the Mississippi Delta.

    10% contribution towards student sponsorships for DAA after school art-based programming.

    10% off any Ellis Theater venue rental or additional support towards a child's sponsorship for DAA after-school art programs.

    Member/organization name listed on the Ellis Gallery Screen at Artist Level and One Week on Marquee Ellis Sign

    Please email office@deltaartsallinace.org to renew/join on this level.

A Night In The Arts

Delta Arts Alliance Annual Fundraiser

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Saturday, May 2, 2026

Making the arts a more prominent part of daily life in the Mississippi Delta.

Purchase a DAA garden name brick.